Element Property Services Covid Safety Plan 2020


General Practices

  1. Our staff have completed Covid19 safety training via https://www.sentrient.com.au/covid-19-coronavirus-courses
  2. Office surfaces are cleaned regularly with disinfectant
  3. In office appointments are kept to an absolute minimum, physical distancing protocols to maintained. Surfaces disinfected after clients leave
  4. Hand sanitiser is available at the front desk
  5. All lease signings and renewals are done via docusign so no requirement to attend the office.
  6. Staff who are ill are either able to work from home since we are cloud based and already set up for it, or take sick leave if needed.
  7. Attendees of in office appointments are registered in the calendar for contact tracing purposes as required.
  8. Routine inspections for the time being are conducted remotely and tenant assisted until further notice.
  9. These processes may be enhanced/ reviewed as required.

Physical Distancing at open homes:


  1. A maximum of 10 people inside the property at any one time, as long as the 1.5m distancing rule/ 1 person per four square meter rule can be maintained.
  2. Scheduled open homes to have capped numbers. If attendees exceed numbers permitted, people must wait outside and wait for someone to leave before they can enter.
  3. All prospective tenants attending open homes need to be registered via our Inspect Real Estate App so we have their contact details. The agent is manually able to enter in details of partners/ housemates etc who may not have registered individually as legally required for contact tracing.
  4. Our open home procedure for prospective tenants is listed online for each property ad- see individual listings on our website elementpropertyservices.com.au
  5. Covid 19 hygiene signage to be displayed at each open home, demonstrating the physical distancing rules etc as downloaded from covid19.act.gov.au
  6. Hand sanitiser will be available to prospects at each open home
  7. Agent conducting the open home is to manage/ monitor the amount of people within the home to ensure compliance.